1 year Guaifenesin Protocol update from Carmen Slater

 “I first suspected I had fibromyalgia when I saw a commercial for Lyrica on TV. It said “do you have chronic widespread pain?” I thought, yeah. I went to my go to place for info….Amazon Books….I searched fibromyalgia..the first book that came up was “What Your Doctor May NOT Tell You About Fibromyalgia” It got […]

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6 month Guaifenesin update from John B

February 16 2018 “So, Valentine’s Day… I am not a flowers guy, so I made the wife a home office she badly needs and re-did the daughter’s bedroom. Finally, after over five years of mostly being bed ridden, getting to do some projects..

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2 year Guaifenesin Protocol progress report from Kelly W

“I wrote this 2 years ago, contemplating suicide: Dear Chronic Pain, As I sit in the bathtub filled with 8 pounds of Epsom Salts, God help me to not want to kill myself because of you. This horrible thought has plagued me all afternoon. “I don’t want to burden my husband, my family, and friends […]

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9 year Guaifenesin Protocol progress report by Laurie Sussman

I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia back in 1997 after a horrible car accident. My neurologist at the time sent me for every test in the book and then some, before she made the diagnosis.  I struggled with teaching for the next 10 years, sometimes wearing braces on my arms or back to keep upright, and […]

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