Adrenal fatigue and fibromyalgia

I am reposting this because I am back to taking it again! I’m going through some major detox and die off as my body heals and the gut balances out again. and my body needs the support right now. Since i started working on my gut,I actually have been sleeping better then I have for many years, up until this week.

But here’s a small change! I use ascorbic acid vit c instead of juice. I have capsules, so I just open one and pour it in with the Sea salt and the potassium from the cream of tartar. This is not something you do forever ๐Ÿ™‚

What I noticed last time I did this is that I take it till I start to wake up again, that’s my signal that I don’t need it anymore. And when I go off it, my sleep is better again! Weird hey?! So here’s my post from Nov 2018 when I first started on this:

I have been making and taking this adrenal cocktail for a month now and seriously, it is a game changer for me. I can sleep through the night now!!!

When I started to take this, I was waking in the middle of the night, around 4 am every single night and up for at least an hour before getting back to sleep. I usually would have to take something to help me sleep.

Since I have been taking this adrenal cocktail, I sleep right through and wake up after 7 hours feeling rested!! WOOHOO! I had to share it with you and hope you will give it a try. Now, the only time I wake in the middle of the night is when I cheat on my HG diet or have dairy, which I am very allergic to. (I thank God for helping me figure that one out!) AND, I need only half of my usual gravol to help me get to sleep too! Even better, right?! The less meds the better!

1/4 tsp pink Himalayan Sea Salt

1/4 tsp cream of tartar

1/2 cup juice with vit c

Just swish it together and drink right before bed.

About the juice- for those of you who are HG like me, please don’t use 1/2 cup juice. I use a Tbsp of pure Cranberry/apple juice in my 1/2 cup water, or some lemon juice, which is allowed on the HG diet.

Our adrenals get worn out from high stress, bad diet, andย  chronic illness. Sound like anyone? Yep, anybody with fibromyalgia would probably benefit from this cocktail!

There’s something about the minerals in the sea salt and the potassium in the cream of tartar that our adrenals also need to heal. The Vit C from the juice helps all these things work together. Read more here.

I have been thinking about trying it during the day/morning too. I wake feeling good, then as the morning progresses, I feel more stressed and down. I tried it this morning and that stress/depression feeling went away. Coincidence? Maybe, but it works and I am going to keep using it twice a day and see how it goes! <3

As always, consult your healthcare practitioner before taking because it has sea salt in it. This especially applies to anybody with a heart condition or high blood pressure. My hubby takes this every night and it hasn’t affected his blood pressure, he tests every day esp because he is on meds for it.

Check out more posts by me on helpful tips to get you to sleep at night with fibromyalgia.