3 year success story on the guaifenesin protocol

Ev3 yearserything hurt, back, neck legs feet, hands.
I had horrible migraines
I couldn’t/wouldn’t bend down to reach anything. My whole house was upside down, made to make everything simple for me to do.
I was barely getting out of bed.
I was exhausted always, and my fibrofog/lack of memory was legendary.

My feet are completely better, my shoulders (except for the torn tendon) are all better. I haven’t had a migraine in two years, my memory is much improved (but the fog, reaching for words, etc, is going through some major clearing right now)and my hands are clearing again now. My thumbs click and get stuck sometimes, but most of the pain is gone.
My back is better, I can reach the ground for things, and bend for at least a minute (I couldn’t even for a few seconds)
Overall, everything is better. The cane is in the corner by the door now. Hidden by some umbrellas and things. I haven’t thought to pick it up in over a year.