Newly Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia?

I remember those first weeks when I found out I have fibromyalgia. It was the most hopeful and most terrifying feeling at the same time. Even more terrifying was the thought that there was another treatment that MIGHT work. I know you’ve been there. How many treatments, medications, alternative therapies have you tried? I have tried too many to count and spent more money than I am willing to admit!

Please know that you are not alone.

One of the hardest parts of being diagnosed with fibromyalgia is being told that it’s all in your head, by doctors, friends and family. They may not all say it out-loud like the doctors do, but you can see it in their faces. I got tired of people telling me that I don’t LOOK sick. Insinuating that I must not BE sick if I don’t LOOK sick. Nothing makes you feel more isolated and alone.

Right now, I just want to give you a big cyber hug. You are loved, you are not alone, we are here for you!

This is your ‘new’ you. Being diagnosed with fibro doesn’t suddenly make you worse. It is not a life sentence. But it is a big part of you right now. Right now, it probably feels fibro is all you are, it consumes you, takes up all your time, resources and thoughts. Remind yourself that this is not forever.

Allow yourself to grieve. There is a deep feeling of loss. That this is it, that all your hopes and dreams are smashed, never to resurface again. I promise you, it WILL get better. You WILL have hope and be able to dream again. Life WILL get better. In the meantime, take the time to grieve. To process. To stare at the wall and let it sink in.

Part of my healing from the grief was learning all I could about fibromyalgia. If you listen to mainstream doctors, they will tell you that this IS it, that it will only get worse, that you have no hope of improvement and the best they can do is pump you full of pain medications and anti-depressants.

Find another doctor who will listen to you! That is not all there is, there IS hope for a better future and good health! Read this book by Dr St Amand called, “What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Fibromyalgia.” He explains what is happening in your body, with a lot of science and 30 years of patients and experience to back him up.

Check out some of our success stories for some encouragement! And hang in there, you are not alone, we are here! <3