9 year Guaifenesin Protocol progress report by Laurie Sussman

I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia back in 1997 after a horrible car accident. My neurologist at the time sent me for every test in the book and then some, before she made the diagnosis.  I struggled with teaching for the next 10 years, sometimes wearing braces on my arms or back to keep upright, and sometimes without full vision in one eye from the fibromyalgia.

I retired and we moved to Israel to be near out children and grandchildren ten years later. Within that first year, I met someone who told me about the guai protocol and actually started me on it. At first, I felt it was amazing, but I didn’t understand about so much, and after about two years, I stopped. When I was cycling or blocking, I thought that it just wasn’t working.

Eventually, I went to the doctor whom she used at the time and most likely still sees. He is a miracle worker. Even my husband sings his praises to everyone. He had his wife set me up with the salicylate free products that are safe on the Guaifenesin protocol, and he started me on guaifenesin. Within weeks, I was finally, miraculously feeling better. I went back to dancing and walking. I could do everything I used to do.

Then, I started to have some new physical problems. I was referred to a neurologist here, and over the course of a year of tests and observation, I was finally diagnosed with parkinson’s disease as well. That’s when things got interesting. Sometimes, pain and tingling would happen, and I didn’t know if it was the guai or the parkinson’s. My fibromyalgia doctor had mapped me and said I no longer had any lumps or bumps. He ultimately started me on LDN and said I should stop the guaifenesin for two weeks to see if I could see a difference. Within less than two weeks I knew what was from pd and what was from fibro.

I also developed a few horrible symptoms by not taking guai. I went back on, and I have never gone off since. Everything is so much better now that I am also off LDN. The guaifenisen worked wonders for me and still does. I do get pain now, but for the most part it is not the pain of fibromyalgia anymore. There is a definite difference, and with the help of my neurologist here and my internist, I can treat the parkinson’s pain. I’ve learned what is best for my body, I exercise as much as I can, and I am able to do things that I never thought I could do again before I started this Guaifenesin protocol.

~Laurie Glicklin Sussman

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