Video: Holiday tips for people with fibromyalgia and the HG diet

The holidays are especially difficult for people with chronic fatigue and/or chronic pain. There are ways to get through this season and still enjoy it without paying for it later. Check out some of my ideas and share yours! And definitely check out the Guaifenesin Protocol and how much it is helping so many with […]

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Hypoglycemia/ Carb Intolerance (HG) video

About half of people with fibromyalgia also have carb intolerance or the more intense Hypoglycemia. If you have fibromyalgia, it will be a great help to you to do the HG diet for a month to see if it helps some of your symptoms. HG symptoms and fibro symptoms overlap, so you could be totally […]

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Tips for the Hypoglycemic/ Carb Intolerant Diet

So, I have been doing some more reading on this diet, looking for new recipes and meal plans and one thing is GLARINGLY clear to me: these were made for women! My husband would literally STARVE to death, or do some actual binging for the huge lack in his diet.

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Fibro Buddies on Pinterest

We have now a FIbro Buddies profile on Pinterest with hundreds of pins for Topics like Fibromyalgia and Guaifenesin Protocol help, Hypoglycemia recipes, Guai protocol safe (salicylate safe) products…

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