3. Erin Woods Journey with Fibromyalgia and The Guaifenesin Protocol Success Story

“As I read through the book What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Fibromyalgia, there was no denying Josh had many of the symptoms too. As I kept reading I learned that fibromyalgia is in fact hereditary! His mother had been diagnosed years ago and was told there was nothing to be done, just keep exercising. Then together we started listing symptoms we were seeing in Armen and Elias.

At my initial appointment on May 1 2017, Dr. Congdon confirmed that Josh had fibromyalgia as well and at that point we knew the boys probably did as well. On May 29th Josh, Armen and Elias each had a full appointment and it was confirmed that they had it as well.
If you have a family member with fibromyalgia you are 8.5 times more likely to have it as well! Fibromyalgia is so much more than just pain and fatigue. The list of symptoms encompass every system in the body. Nervous system, digestive, cognitive, eyes ears nose and throat, bladder, skin, muscles, tendons, ligaments and more, and it affects everyone differently.
All four of us have started Dr. Amand‘s protocol to help reverse our Fibromyalgia symptoms. We will always have it, but his protocol of the simple and safe medication guaifenesin actually addresses the root cause to help us feel better, rather than hard pharmaceuticals to simply mask symptoms.
If you or someone you know has or thinks they have fibromyalgia please read the book and feel free to ask us any questions about our experience and our journey to healing and feeling better! We know and trust that the Lord lead us in the right direction and our prayer is to turn around and help others who are suffering too ❤ #fibromyalgia #guaifenesinprotocol
~Erin Woods
This is part 3 of Erin Woods story to regaining her health back on the Guaifenesin Protocol. Subscribe so you don’t miss any of her story, and check out the links in this post and the tags under this post for more info 🙂