9 month progress on the Guaifenesin Protocol from Celeste Moreland

“Migraines, Allodynia, muscle weakness, exhaustion, nerve pain on my feet and back, and Fibromyalgia fog were a combination of hell on a daily basis. All of those prevented me from driving, outings with my family, teaching Bible studies even at home, and daily self-care…

After 8.5 months on the Guaifenesin Protocol I have finally been blown away like never before!

Not only did I have a good 4 day streak, today I woke up feeling another clearing cycle starting but decided to go along with my husband’s idea of taking our granddaughter to the park. When we arrived my daughter requested we all walk to the park. I was nervous but I decided to go along. I made it!!! A total of 2 miles round trip! Wha???? I’m not dying either, just a little tired but still feeling good and energetic. Thank you Lord!!!”

~ Celeste Moreland

Thank you so much Celeste for sharing part of your fibromyalgia journey with the world! SO thankful for you and how far you’ve come! It’s exciting to have hope and wonder what your future will bring with good health!! <3

If you have Fibromyalgia, take a look at the book by Dr St Amand called “What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Fibromyalgia” that explains what is happening in your body and how the Guaifenesin Protocol can work to reverse your symptoms, not just cover them up. YOU can get healthy again too! There IS a treatment that works, no matter what your un-informed doctor may tell you. Check out my Frequently Asked Questions list for the Guaifenesin Protocol and my explanation of what it is in my own lay-mans terms 🙂