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Has anyone else started Dr. Amand’s strict HG diet for loosing weight, and did not get results in 13 days?
I seem to be retaining water, but also getting symptoms of dehydration from the diet. Somewhat discouraged. Can anyone shed some light?
hi Patty!
Here’s the link:
I lost weight within a couple months on the mostly lib side of the diet! But then gained most of it back. I think my issue is with hormones more then anything though lol! That and I figured out I am allergic to dairy and was eating much more dairy on the HG diet. Stick to the diet for 2 months, and then see if things improve. It is a big change for your body, you may be eating alot more of something your body doesn’t like. It would help to journal your diet to see if anything changes from day to day.
I find those feelings of dehydration happen when I have too much carbs or fruit in a day.
It may help you to join our Facebook hypoglycemia group to see what others have to say too
Hi Christine,
Do you personally use carbs or net carbs when counting food intake carbohydrates?
Thank you so much,
Patty L.
Hi Patty!
I just only eat the foods on his list for the most part. Other than some homemade sugar free cranberry sauce! 
No, I don’t count carbs thankfully! lol! I just go by Dr St Amand’s Hypoglycemia diet. It’s tailored to help my specific symptoms. And it really works!
Hi Christine, I appreciate you, and all the support you give.. I have been on guai 3 months and 3 weeks at the same dose since beginning the protocol. I have experienced the desired stages of healing: clearing followed by resting. However, for the last week, I have been feeling consistently pretty crappy. After referring to Dr. Amand’s book, I don’t think I should lower my dose, and just ride out the storm (unless the fibro-brain) has me confused). I must admit I have been off the HG diet during the Christmas/New Year Holiday. Do you have any thoughts on my situation?
PS: Thank you for your lovely HG recipes. My husband and I love the Ranch Dressing Baked Chicken, and homemade cranberries made with zylitol.
Hi Patty!
You can fry the ranch chicken instead of bake them too, it’s much faster 
Thank you for your kind words, appreciate that!
So, the first few months of clearing can be confusing, for sure! For many people, clearing symptoms get more intense as you begin to clear deeper deposits. For me, the first few months, I felt amazing, and then clearing started to set in and make me feel considerably worse. Or, it could be from cheating on the HG diet, I feel awful right now because I ate way too many carbs and sugars during the break. Hang in there! And you are right, don’t lower your dose, your body is working hard to get you well, and that’s a good thing!
And btw, those are 2 of my favorite recipes too
Hi Christine,
Are hemp seeds safe to eat on Dr. Amand’s Strict Diet? He mentions all spices and seeds are O.K. However, I became somewhat confused when recent blog read beware of seeds, i.e., flaxseed blocking guai.
Thank you,
Patty L.
HI Patty!
Back when Dr St Amands book was written, nobody was eating hemp seeds and flax seeds for medicinal purposes lol. We’ve learned alot since then! Any plant, nut, seed, veggie, etc, that you in for medicinal purposes will block your guaifenesin. If you have a small sprinkle of them (Dr St Amand suggests only 1 tsp) on a salad or something, that is fine because it is being digested in Normal Food Amounts, so the sals get digested out. When You have lots, or concentrated amounts, some sals bipass digestion and block your guai. Does that help? Here’s my post on Normal Food Amounts for more info: