Having trouble finding products you love that are Salicylate free? Feel adventurous and want to try to make your own??
If you know me at all, you know how very much I LOVE creating things in my kitchen, edible and the not-so-much-edible stuff 🙂 I have been making my own products for the past year and absolutely love it!
I am just starting to write this series, make sure you subscribe so you don’t miss any of my posts on this!
Here’s my first post: How to Make your own Salicylate Free Chap Stick
There are a few things you are going to need to get started:
A really good scale. TRUST me on this- don’t cheap out. You want a .1 to a .001 gram resolution with ounces and pounds also included. Digital is more accurate.
I bought some cheaper ones, 3 different ones in fact, and then gave them all to the Salvation Army before I went out and got a good one. 😛

Get some pots and utensils from the Salvation Army and a Stick Blender if they have one. Look in garage sales too!
If you can’t find these things for cheap and/or used, you will need to buy them new. These need to be kept separate from your other kitchen pots and
utensils. Utensils being measuring cups, spoons, Glass Pirex measures, metal stirring spoons and plastic spatulas.
Get a big package of cheap paper towel and some cheap paper plates. (these help keep things sanitary)
OK! Now on to the fun! Check out my first sal free DIY posts: