18 month Fibromyalgia Update on the Guaifenesin Protocol May 2013

I was couch-ridden. Would have been bed-ridden, but I didn’t have a TV in there. 😛 My mom is on the same dose- Low dose, Fast-responder, and she is doing AMAZING too! She says she feels better than she EVER remembers feeling!

This post was written in 2013 on Christine’s Cozy Corner, I am editing it and re-publishing it for Fibro Buddies 🙂

So, the turtle won the race in the stories right?? Well, this is how it works with the Guaifenesin Protocol. Slow and steady. You have to be determined and committed. But I’m here to tell you, it WORKS!!!!!

***See the bottom of this post for more info on the Guaifenesin Protocol. Please do NOT just start taking Guaifenesin, it won’t work and you won’t get well! You must follow the protocol!***

Please note, I am a low-dose FAST responder. Which means that the phosphates are clearing out of my body at a FAST rate, so there is no slow cycling that 80% of the folks have on the Guaifenesin Protocol. That 80% often times can’t even tell the difference when they take Guaifenesin. Me and the other 18%, we FEEL it the whole time! And even then, everyone is different. It really does depend on how sick you were before you started the protocol.

OK, on to my update!

There are many days I simply don’t notice that I am any better than I was before. But that’s mostly because all I see is the horrible cycle I am going through at the moment, and don’t notice the baby steps of progress I am making 🙂

The first thing that encouraged me was that when I saw my mom last year, she said I am looking better and more clear-eyed than she’s seen me in years! YES!

I am able to go on long trips and not have to sleep the whole time. I can also go further than 4 hours driving with NO fatigue, pain and serious repercussions.  We used to have to get a hotel half way to our families place for holidays, about 5 hours was all I could do and I’d have to recoup at the hotel for a couple days before doing the last leg of the journey!

NOW, I can go on long trips with my hubby (he’s a truck driver) and enjoy our visit and time together! YES! And then I get home and feel fine, start cleaning up all our stuff, making supper, etc. Next day, STILL feel fine! YES!

My confusion and fog is getting less and less, mom says that I am looking more alert each time she sees me.

I no longer struggle with mood swings, sleep disturbances, hot flashes, night sweats, cold flashes. I no longer need pain killers (unless I get a sore throat, happened twice in the last year). I no longer get infections from the smallest thing like a hang nail. I haven’t had strep throat in over a year, and I even get colds without needing antibiotics! I honestly don’t even remember the last time I had a cold and didn’t need antibiotics! Even the smallest sniffle used to turn into an infection.

I was SHOCKED last week when I got a plain old cold. and that was it! I just had sniffles! No swollen throat so i couldn’t breathe! WOW! I guess it never occurred to me that people got colds and didn’t have to have antibiotics to get better! I don’t EVER remember it being like that for me!

I got a hangnail, finger got swollen as usual, I put a band aid on it for a couple days, it WENT AWAY!!! WOW!!!

Anyhow, I am SUPER excited to see what is going to improve next. Little by little I am getting my life back thanks to Dr St Amand and the Guaifenesin Protocol.
Please note again, everyone is different. I still really struggle with weakness, fatigue, skin conditions, and pain in my shoulders, back and hips. But not bad enough to need pain killers! As the Guaifenesin Protocol does it’s work, the phosphates are being cleared out of deeper tissue, which can mean more pain than before.

So, like a turtle, I plug along. Staying Salicylate free in all my skin products, staying away from concentrated herbal supplements of any kind, and taking my Single ingredient, Long Acting Guaifenesin, as per the protocol’s instruction. It’s seriously the cheapest thing out there for fibromyalgia, when I consider all the stuff I had to stop taking, and all the stuff I no longer need! YES!

***Please do NOT just start taking Guaifenesin, it won’t work and you won’t get well! you MUST adhere to the entire Guaifenesin protocol to see the positive results! ***

Check out these links for more info and help: