Update on my Fibromyalgia journey on the Guaifenesin Protocol

So, I have learned something new about the Guaifenesin Protocol and being a low doser!

Do you remember in school, learning Grammar, and there’s all these rules. THEN there’s the millions of exceptions to the rules to make you wonder why you learned them in the first place? Well, this is NOT what I’m talking about! LOL! 😀

For such a large percentage of people with fibro, the Guaifenesin Protocol is so simple: get sal-free, dosing: take 300mg twice a day for a week, no change so increase to 600mg twice a day for the rest of your awesome life as you get better and better. Yep, it really is that simple!

SO, what is with all the horror stories you are hearing like mine, where we just can’t seem to get it figured out? Well, those of us in the puny percentage where the protocol is a little more complicated… we write blogs, talk alot and start support groups! haha! So EVERYONE knows our stories instead of the thousands of others who are just going along getting better and better and busy living their lives, quietly saying nothing about the life change they have experienced!

But this is MY blog and MY story, so you’re going to hear about some possibilities of what could happen, if you are one of the puny percentage that could be like me 🙂

Go back to the beginning of my story if you want it all. Suffice it to say, I started off on the right foot, stayed on that awesome right foot, but we have learned some things since then. I found my dose as I should, it was confirmed by a map by a trained mapper, showing my left thigh cleared after one month on 300mg twice a day. That’s called a Low Doser.

Fast forward 3 years and I was no longer clearing, so added in another 300mg so I am now taking 300mg three times a day.

Today, all my fibro symptoms are back in full force again. I am obviously not clearing, I don’t need a mapper to tell me this.

Apparently, our trained and awesome mappers like Dr St Amand, Dr Congdon and Cheryl Kowalewski are finding that some Low Dosers have to up their dose to clear! But, they have seen that you pretty much stop at 600mg twice a day if you’re a low doser. You don’t have to continue to increase your dose every year for the rest of your life or anything 🙂

There’s this thing called Cytochromes. Have you heard of it? Basically, from my non-medical-brain, it’s something in our bodies that destroys intruders, or anything it thinks might be an intruder. The problem with cytochromes is that they can destroy our medicines in some people, because they ‘think’ the medicine is an intruder. Esp people who take alot of medicine and vitamins, etc. They are more likely to have this problem.

Here’s a quote from a RN in training friend of mine 🙂

Cytochrome issue: For some reason (the mechanism of action isn’t fully researched) when we over load our bodies with a nutrient in pill form our bodies will see this as an invasion of a foreign substance. Cytochromes will come along and prevent our bodies from absorbing it. It can also effect the absorption of other substances taken with the supplements that the cytochromes are protecting our bodies from.

So, this is what we are pretty sure is going on with me. I will be mapped in a month to see if I need to up my dose to the 600mg twice a day. And yep, it’s probably going to make me feel as awful as it did 4 years ago when I started the guai, but it shouldn’t take as long to feel better! So it’s totally WORTH it! 🙂

So there you have it. From a non-medically trained person! I hope this helps you in understanding a little bit more about the Guaifenesin Protocol, and maybe even encourage you to give it a go if you have fibromyalgia! I’m here to help and love to hear from my readers, so leave me a comment <3

Want to know more? Check out my post and audio on what fibromyalgia is and how the Guaifenesin Protocol works by me! 🙂