Toxins and the Guaifenesin Protocol part 2

toxins 3Original title, right? lol!

So, the book that started me on this topic was by Suzanne Sommers called Tox-Sick. It got me thinking about all the many toxins we have in our bodies just from life. You can stop breathing lol. OR, you CAN help your body to deal with the toxic load from other sources.

You have pesticides and herbicides and GMO fruits and veggies. Then you have cows and chickens eating Genetically Modified foods, which never leaves their systems, not to mention all the antibiotics and growth hormones that most farmers give their animals to make them grow faster and produce more. This stuff stays in the meat, the milk, the eggs, the dairy products. We eat it, and our bodies have to somehow eliminate it all.

Fast Track Ond Day Detox DietWe need to help our bodies along. It’s too much, esp if you are someone who is not well, has been on pain meds, has been on alot of antibiotics, people like me, with fibromyalgia. Our poor livers, endocrine systems, brains, kidneys, adrenals, digestive systems. The toxic load is too much for most of us and we need to do something to help our bodies hold up.

Did you do the first 3 detox changes I suggested from my first post about this topic? I have been, off and on. Hoping that as I go, these things will all get easier to remember lol 🙂

Detoxing is so important to give your body a little break so it dosn’t just give out on us. I am still getting through this book too, only read a few chapters, but I get it! Called the Fast Track One Day Detox Diet by Ann Louise Gittleman.

She has great ideas on what to stay away from, what to eat to support our systems and how to do it! My mom went off the guaifenesin protocol to do this for a week, and says it’s been amazing! For me? Initially I was going to do the same, but then had 3 kids show up in my home again (YAY!) and just don’t have the time and energy to block my progress on the Guaifenesin Protocol! Not interested in losing a week of clearing those awful phosphates out of my body!

BUT! There IS alot that we can do, and we can take some of their ideas that won’t block the Guaifenesin from doing its job to reverse our fibromyalgia symptoms!

Once you’ve seen #1-3 detox changes Here’s a few more things you can do to support your system, gleaned from both these books:

4. Start using probiotics daily. We consume WAY too much sugar and starches for our bodies to keep from having an overgrowth of candida, which can damage the gut and allow toxins into the blood stream.

5. Use digestive enzymes daily, with every meal to help our poor lagging systems along.  Find sal-free ones and follow instructions on the bottle.

6. Use a natural sal-safe toxin absorbent like Bentonite Clay (link to a site by a Dr on how and why.)

Don’t take more than the recommended amount, and always take a day off all your vitamins each week. If I can do these 3 things and the 3 things from my previous post, I think I will begin to make great progress clearing out toxins and begin to find some balance. I keep you updated! 🙂

What do YOU do to detox? Any Guaifenesin Protocol safe ideas?








