3 year Progress Report on the Guaifenesin Protocol by Felicia

Meet Felicia! She has fibromyalgia and has been on the Guaifenesin Protocol for about 3 years. She wanted to share her story with the world to encourage others who are wondering if the Guaifenesin Protocol is worth it. Check out her story:

felicia progress report on the Guaifenesin ProtocolI hate pics of myself but I really felt moved to share this comparison pic because it’s so amazing to me!
The first one is Christmas 2013 and the second is this year actually getting to go pick a Christmas tree with my husband for the first time in about 8 years!

I have been house bound for many years. I have been on the protocol for 3 yrs. I know I still have a ways to go but the difference amazes me!

The first year was rough but when I started feeling a better day now and then it was all worth it! After the first year it was a steady progression to being better, stronger and having fewer bad days!

Also, I want you to know that I haven’t had the help of a Dr. or a mapper. It does make it a little more challenging, but it’s not impossible! I had moments of doubt, fear and anxiety that I wouldn’t be able to do this on my own or that I would screw it up somehow but with all the information available and all of the precious advice from admins and others on this site (Fibro Buddies on Guaifenesin Protocol Facebook group), it’s totally doable! Don’t be afraid! You have so much to gain for all your efforts invested!

This protocol works! Don’t give up! Hang tough and always believe in yourself and know that this too shall pass. You are strong. You are able. You will have your life back!
I just hope that this is a boost to anyone feeling down. Be courageous!                           Felicia

 If you are just starting on the Guaifenesin Protocol or just looking into it, please don’t try to do it alone! It’s a big task that takes a community to help you and support you. My group is just one of many who will help you through this protocol and support you through the ups and downs. If you CAN get to a mapper(see list here) like Dr St Amand or Dr Congdon, please do, it will be the best time and money you will spend! Bless you and Happy New Year! <3

If you would like more success stories and more info on the Guaifenesin Protocol, take a look at the links throughout this post or check out the Tags under this post 🙂

