Money saving tip for your salicylate-free soaps and shampoos: Seasalt and Epsom salt will make your soaps go further.
It’s like when you have really soft water and you only need a tiny amount of soap. Seasalt and Epsom salt make your soaps go further. I use an expensive soap for my itchy scalp and this makes it go twice as far
I’ve been doing this for years and never thought to share till now. Now you know!
This Sensinol shampoo is what I use and it REALLY Helps with the itchy scalp.
I usually put about a tsp of epsom salt in with my shampoo in my hand, or sprinkle the salts on my wet hair before massaging in the shampoo. You can also squeeze all your soap into a bowl and stir in the seasalt or epsom salt in and then pour it back in. Do try it with a small amount to be sure it works with your product before doing the whole bottle though 😉
Sometimes it’s hard to find a good sal-free shampoo that we are happy with, especially one that is reasonably priced. Have you tried this? Let me know what soaps and shampoos you’ve tried this with so we can share what works for you!