This is indeed a Frequently Asked Question! How long it takes for the guaifenesin protocol to work is different for everyone. Some will clear their most difficult symptoms before a year is up and feel awesome!
But please, don’t expect your story to be the same, that is not the norm. Many of us are so sick, it is actually going to take longer then a year before we feel like a healthy person does.
But don’t get discouraged! You WILL have good hours, good days, good weeks periodically. Journal those days so you can look back and be encouraged.
This protocol is for the long haul. You have had a lifetime of buildup to get you as sick as you are now. The Guaifenesin Protocol will clear your symptoms 6 times faster than it went in. YES!! But remember, when did you first start to have more fatigue than your friends? When did you start to have pain enough to need medication? Now, at a rate of clearing a year in 2 months on Guaifenesin, how many years do you think it’s going to take you to feel truly WELL again? THAT will be your goal.
Don’t have all these huge expectations of wellness after only a few months! I just don’t want to see you discouraged and let down, when what others have said doesn’t happen to you! They are likely talking about those few hours or days of a cycle when they feel awesome, but it CYCLES, so it goes around and comes around again.
Cycles and Flares are 2 different things. You no longer Flare, but you do have clearing cycles and it happens with 6 times the intensity it went in at. Remember the equation of clearing one year of deposits in 2 months?
Keep your chin up, keep trucking on, you CAN do this! And there are many many others who ARE doing this and just getting better and better. Be patient with yourself! <3
Also, remember to use your symptom journal to jot down every day how you are feeling with your symptoms. Later, you will want to look back and see how it’s changed!
Sometimes, we can make progress in lots of tiny ways, but not notice it for the huge elephant in the room called fatigue or pain. Make sure you ask someone who is going to care about you through this whole process over the years too. They usually see the changes before we do! <3 Big hugs and hang in there! <3
Click to see more: FAQ about the Protocol and Salicylates