Hey buddies! Super excited to share this new venture with you! :)

If you started with me (Christine Mann) on fibro buddies on Guaifenesin Protocol on Facebook, and my Christine’s Cozy Corner site, this is hopefully both of these things (the fibro related stuff) in one place 🙂 We want to have all the info you need to get started, plus forums where you can chat it up with other fibro buddies about anything on your mind. It’s a work in progress 🙂

If you have had fibro for long, you have tried everything under the sun in an attempt to get well and treat your symptoms, you know what I mean! This site is going to be focused on getting well on the Guaifenesin Protocol by Dr St Amand and his book “What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Fibromyalgia.” We plan to have a few topics to start with: HG diet, Guaifenesin Protocol, Salicylate free help.  Thank you for joining us, we look forward to getting to know you  🙂