Fibromyalgia and itchy scalp

Have an itchy scalp? Does it drive you a little crazy and give you dandruff?

Mine does! And all the natural remedies out there use Essential Oils or Apple Cider Vinegar, both are things we can’t use on the Guaifenesin Protocol because of the salicylates in them that block the effect of the Guaifenesin from working to reverse our symptoms!

So, I decided to try the salicylate-free chemical ones. Like Head and Shoulders Clinical Strength and TGel therapeutic shampoo Origninal formula. These work, but sheesh! The chemicals in them! I am TRYING to be healthy here people!!!

The past year I’ve been scouring the net for healthier options. I tried the dry shampoo, where you massage some baking soda into your scalp. Then I tried making my own scalp-mask type shampoo to clean and detox my scalp. I even tried the no-poo(SOOOO itchy!) All these things did is make my scalp worse, not clean, sting (baking soda) and make hair horribly sticky (bentonite clay).

Here’s what I’ve come up with that is working for me right now:

1/2 Pantene shampoo (Full and Strong Body Building Shampoo)

1/2 baking soda

Dump a bunch in your palm in the shower and stir together with your finger.

GENTLY Massage into scalp. If you get too vigorous you will cause little scratches on your scalp and that can cause even more itchy issues. (I haven’t had any issue with this, but it’s what I hear.)

Wash and condition as usual. For me, usual conditioning is NOT putting it on my scalp. I have long hair, so I rub a little conditioner between my hands and put on the ends and hair, not scalp, esp any itchy spots, be even more careful of that area with your conditioner.

I wash my hair every 2-3 days fyi. I have a shampoo that makes my scalp feel a little dry when I use the baking soda, so I don’t use that one. The Pantene has enough conditioner type ingredients that it balances well with the baking soda 🙂 You don’t want a dry scalp or an oily one, find what works best for you.

I’ve been doing this for a couple weeks and love it!! It gently exfoliates the stuff that sits on the scalp making it less itchy and balances the Ph levels so it can stay healthy until your next wash!

Update Mar 26 2018- I now use a new shampoo called Ducray Sensinol. It is hypo-allergenic, fragrance free, natural and sal-free! Woohoo! 😀 It’s a bit on the pricey side but it is so much better for my hair than the baking soda 🙂 One thing I am seeing, is a need to change it up. Everything helps for a little while, then needs to change. I have been using this for about 6 months and it still works so yay! 🙂

Check out my list of Frequently Asked Questions for more help in going through the Guaifenesin Protocol and living with the symptoms of Fibromyalgia!