This post is for people on the Guaifenesin Protocol to reverse their Fibromyalgia. Salicylates block the effect of the Guaifenesin from working, and we must be diligent in staying away from too much of them. Foods are fine but oil, gel and extract with a plant name, on your skin, along with camph, menth and sal in any ingredient is TOO much salicylate! UNLESS it is one of these: CROWS: Corn, Rice, Oat, Wheat, Soy.
So, here is where I list my posts on these items. What is the Guaifenesin Protocol? Check out my: explanation and Audio!
New? Check out my post on Getting Started on the Guaifenesin Protocol.
You also may want to know the Vocabulary of the Guaifenesin Protocol.
This post is now divided up into main topics, as it’s just SO long! it’s all still here, but for easier viewing, check out these:
Living with FMS and surviving the Protocol FAQ
Here’s the complete list in alphabetical order: Antibiotics Articles claiming the Guaifenesin Protocol dosn’t work Apple Cider Vinegar Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) and Beta Hydroxy Acid (BHA) Baby Care items List and DIY ideas Barometric Pressure changes Blocking Parties Blocking Test- does it work? Blocking- what does it feel like? How can you tell? Blue Dye stalls clearing Books for the Guaifenesin Protocol and where to buy them Breastfeeding Butters: Shea, Cocoa, Mango Seed Castor Oil Caution ingredients Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Cigarette smoking Cleaning products Clearing- what is it? Coffee Confusion and Fibrofog Constipation Cycles and Flares Dental hygiene Salicylate free DIY Depression Detox without blocking Dishwasher and hand dish soap DIY cleaning products (not all are sal free) DIY sal free beauty products Discouragement Doctor Involvement for the Protocol Doctor Paper on Guaifenesin Protocol (br Dr St Amand) Doctors and Mappers around the world who support the protocol Dosage for the Guaifenesin Protocol Emu oil Encouragement Esters like Jojoba Exercise- how to rebuild energy without crashing- guest post by Dr Melissa Congdon Fiber Flares and Cycles Flavor Food Prep Forgetfulness and Fibro Fog Fragrance Gardening Gloves in a Bottle Guaifenesin types and brands for use on the Protocol Guaifenesin- Long Acting (or extended release) and Fast Acting differences Gum Hair Dye/ Color Hand Washing when not at home Hawaii Fibromyalgia Summit Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) House Cleaning with Fibromyalgia Hydrogenated Oils are not always safe Ingredient List of sal-safe ingredients for the protocol Ingredients that are Controversial Insomnia Intimate Items Inulin Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and fibro Journal- Symptom Juicing Laundry Soap Low Dose Fast Responders (300mg bid) Magnesium Mapping- What is it and what does it have to do with Fibromyalgia? Mary Kay salicylate free list Massage therapy Medications- what to watch out for and a list of common sal -safe ones Mint and Peppermint in food Mosquito Repellant Mucinex Nail polish and nail polish remover Normal Food amounts PEG 40 oils Pediatric Fibromyalgia Perfume Phosphates- what part do they play? Pinterest Board for the Protocol Pregnancy Probiotics Progress Reports Razors Salicylate Free Ingredients list Salicylate free products- how to find them Salicylate Check list- Quick Check Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and tanning Seeds/ Seed oils Shower Floor Sleepiness symptom Sleep Apnea Smoking Cigarettes, Weed, Pot Starting the Guaifenesin Protocol Stevia Tea Time it takes to reverse on the Guaifenesin Protocol Toilet Paper, Tissue Paper and Salicylates Toothpaste- Toms of Maine, Colgate and where to find salicylate safe ones Vinegar Vitamins Vocabulary of the protocol Vulvar Pain Syndrome and Vulvodenia and the Guaifenesin Protocol Water consumption Weather changesLet me know if there is something you would like answered that would likely help others starting out on the protocol! π
PLEASE NOTE: I am not a doctor, nor do I claim to be. I am also not an expert on Fibromyalgia, I’m just here trying to help with things I struggled through alone when I started on the Guaifenesin Protocol due to my lifelong battle with Fibromyalgia. This list will grow as I post more π