4. Erin Woods Journey with Fibromyalgia and The Guaifenesin Protocol Success Story

“100% of people with Fibromyalgia have nodules in their left thigh. These are our initial body maps that were done when all four of us were diagnosed in May.

The circles you see are all the nodules in our bodies and the squiggly lines are muscle spasming and these are what cause all the pain and other symptoms of fibromyalgia.

We started the #guaifenesinprotocol in June and have had increased symptoms as you first feel worse before you get better.

If you have found your correct dose of guaifenesin which is different for everyone then after 4 weeks your thigh nodules will be cleared meaning you are getting better!

Well today we had our first appointment back to see Dr. Congdon and all four of us had cleared our thigh nodules! We are on the right path to feeling better and we are praising the Lord every day, the good ones and the bad ones knowing that each morning His mercies are new and every day we are one day closer to feeling better! #fibromyalgia #guaifenesin#Godisgood”

~Erin Woods

This is part 4 of Erin Woods story to regaining her health back on the Guaifenesin Protocol. Subscribe so you don’t miss any of her story, and check out the links in this post and the tags under this post for more info 🙂