Almost 1 Year Success – Jennifer Davis on the Guaifenesin Protocol

This was a comment in regards to a post I made about IBS- Irritable Bowel Syndrome. I asked Jennifer for permission to share with you because it is such good info <3 The guaifenesin Protocol works for fibromyalgia, but not everything is fibro! <3 Hope this will be an encouragement to you too!

“This is very topical for me. I’ve been on the Guaifenesin protocol since January and the fatigue has not cleared.

I’ve had other issues going on. For sure adrenal fatigue and leaky gut.

In an effort to regain my health, I did the GI Map test and found that I have an intestinal parasite (dientamoeba fragilis). The test also shows that my leaky gut has healed, my immune system is working way to hard to suppress this infection, I still have very high antibodies to gluten even though I haven’t eaten it in years, I have low “good” gut bacteria, I am harbouring Norovirus which is also taxing my immune system.

All that to say, Dr. St Amand created the Guaifenesin protocol at a time when he was just treating and hoping. Now, the technology exists to find out what is actually wrong.

If you haven’t improved on all fronts within a year, maybe you should be looking for other causes.

The Guaifenesin protocol has given me so much good. My fibromyalgia is gone! My pain is gone! I am so thankful, but really, there may be more going on and its ok to leave space for that. Just as an aside, if you think you have yeast, Caprylic Acid (or Brain Octane) is a great treatment. It must be taken with another fat at the same time.”

~Jennifer Davis 11/14/18

Thank you SO much Jennifer, for sharing a little of your story! I look forward to seeing what your future holds now that fibromyalgia is a thing of the past thanks to Dr St Amand and the Guaifenesin Protocol. <3

And if you would like more information on the Guaifenesin Protocol or Fibromyalgia, check out the links through this post and the tags under the post. 🙂