Thank you for joining us! I have fibromyalgia and you can find my story here. I started the Guaifenesin protocol in 2011 and found there to be a surprising lack of support and help, so started my own support group!
We started out on Fibro Buddies on Guaifenesin Protocol on Facebook group May 21 2013. It took off so that we couldn’t keep everything running smoothly with the large number of members. Our desire is to foster a safe, welcoming place for people to ask questions and find support but also be organized to find what you’re looking for. A forum and website is much better for these things.
The forum is almost ready to go live! We have been working alot of hours to get it ready and are excited to share it with you! Please subscribe so you don’t miss it when we announce it in a post! Then you can come and be one of the first to use our forum! I am SO excited! Are you?!
If you don’t know what the Guaifenesin protocol is, please click the linked words. It is an effective treatment for fibromyalgia but is a whole protocol, there is more to do than just take the guaifenesin to see positive results!
We glean our information from personal experience but mostly from this book by Dr St Amand and Claudia Merek called “What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Fibromyalgia.” You can find this book in some libraries around the world and different places on the net, check out the linked words for helping in finding your copy
The admins here give of their time and generous hearts to help! We are not paid and are not here all day everyday. There are many amazing non-admins who do understand the protocol and can help you too!.
FYI: You might find that we are SUPER SAL SENSITIVE in this group! We have a Caution List. Some other groups allow a few more things than we do. The reason we don’t is because, we know of several people to block using a few things that other groups may allow- like topical butters, stevia, gum, most toothpastes and apple cider vinegar. WE don’t want to be the cause of someone losing ground on their clearing and cycling, so we go super sal sensitive with our advice. Even just ONE person being unsuccessful on their clearing because of our advice is unacceptable to us! But we don’t choose to go super sensitive lightly! We ONLY go with what we have heard from several other guai support groups leaders from around the world, we don’t come up with this stuff on our own! And we are here to help you so that it ISN’T overwhelming and too hard to follow
Something that will be a big help to you is our Frequently Asked Questions list and links. Also, check out the post Getting Started for a step-by-step guide through the protocol.
Last but not least, Welcome! Don’t be afraid to vent, but also don’t be afraid to reach out and encourage someone else, it does WONDERS!