1 year Guaifenesin Protocol success story from Brent Lockwood

“I’d like to share an update on my progress using the Guaifenesin Protocol. I started the protocol on January 31, 2017. I was exhausted most of the time. I felt like my life was basically over. For an extended period in 2015 I was basically housebound.

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, snow, tree, sky, outdoor and nature

I had tried so many things to feel better including, IV chelation therapy to remove heavy metals, acupuncture, far infrared sauna, Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMFT), Sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT), homeopathy, special diets including gluten free and dairy free with whole foods prepared from scratch, took boatloads of supplements, IgG testing for food sensitivities, . Nothing really seemed to make a big difference.

It wasn’t until my daughter Lisa went to see Dr. St. Amand that things changed for me. I didn’t go to see him as I KNEW that I didn’t have Fibromyalgia since I didn’t suffer from pain. When Dr. St. Amand examined Lisa he inquired about me and was told that I had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. He intimated that he expected that I had Fibromyalgia as well. I made an appointment and saw Dr. St. Amand the next week. When he mapped me I was found to have a worse map than either Lisa or my wife Linda. When I inquired about my lack of pain he inquired if I was an athlete in my younger days, which I was. He further explained that I had a higher pain threshold which was common with athletes. On the protocol I have seen a tremendous improved in my stamina and mood.

The last time that I skied was in January, 2014 and until March, 2017 I never imagined that I would ever be able to ski again. This month I went on a ski vacation and skied for seven of eight days (only took off the one day because the

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road was closed from excessive snowfall). As you can see from my stats, I skied for about seven hours that day. Also, I tried Nascar ski racing which I hadn’t done for seven years. I won a bronze medal!

I am enjoying life. I am still on SSDI but hope to try going back to work on a part-time basis this summer. I am currently singing in three choirs/choruses/chorales. This involves rehearsals three evenings per week and a major commitment of time for Saturday church services (8:15 AM until 12:30 PM) most weeks. Does the protocol work. I say a definite ‘YES’. For those of you who are wondering if it’s worth the effort, I say that it definitely is. If you have Fibro and are following the protocol properly, you will see improvement.

~Brent Lockwood

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