6. Erin Woods Journey with Fibromyalgia and The Guaifenesin Protocol Success Story

“Sometimes God brings people into your life even when you’re fighting to keep people out. I didn’t want to make new friends these last few years, it’s hard and exhausting and I felt like if only they knew the “old” Erin and not this new “anxious,exhausted and hurting” Erin.

The Lord knew I needed this sweet friend and I am so thankful for her! I don’t think she ever looked at me and saw anything but the “old” Erin even though I felt she was long gone. I’ve received lots of support in different ways, from prayers, to meals, to listening and letting me share my struggles and I am SO thankful for all of it.

My biggest fear was that I was crazy, and that others would think I was crazy. How can you not feel crazy when every single doctor and specialist you see tells you you’re fine and you even have some people tell you that’s it’s all in your head?

But this gal said exactly what I needed to hear one night over frozen yogurt not long before I was diagnosed. She listened to me and then looked at me and said,

“Something is going to give and it won’t be your sanity.”

And it was EXACTLY what I needed to hear at that moment. I’m so thankful that God knows what I need better than I do and that He brings people into my life even when I fight it! I pray I make as much of an impact on them as they have done for me ❤️ #goodneighbors#sweetfriends #fibromyalgia”

~Erin Woods Sep 18 2017

This is part 6 of Erin Woods story to regaining her health back on the Guaifenesin Protocol. She is sharing her story as she remembers it. This one is of a time when there is so little hope that you do feel crazy. Prior to being diagnosed, and prior to finding the Guaifenesin Protocol! This is such a common feeling in people with fibromyalgia. While you are going through it, you don’t even realize it’s happening. Then you find the Guaifenesin Protocol and have hope again! THEN, you realize how awful it truly was to have no hope. So very thankful for Dr St Amand and the Guaifenesin Protocol <3

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