2. Erin Woods Journey with Fibromyalgia and The Guaifenesin Protocol Success Story

“This is my sweet friend Katie. We met a few years ago when our boys were in Sonshine together. At the time I was in the middle of my worst symptoms and I was withdrawing from most people and refusing to get to know anyone new because I was so tired of pretending to be ok and trying to explain my symptoms to others.

The Lord used our boys friendship to force me to get to know Katie when I would have rather just gone home to lay on the couch. We had a couple play dates, talked here and there, and as we got to know each other we began to talk about all these strange symptoms we were each experiencing. It was easy to open up to someone who was also suffering.

We’d see each other in passing at pick up this year and ask how the other was feeling, what the dr had to say, what recent tests we had had done.

In March Katie asked to have a play date. That Friday came and I had an incredibly stressful morning and was so close to canceling on Katie. I told my boys “one hour at the park, that’s it”.

On March 24, 2017 I met Katie and her son at the park with my boys and we sat down on the bench and began sharing. As we shared we talked about our frustrations and how we had been skirting around the idea of fibromyalgia with our doctors without really even understanding what that meant. It was then that Katie told me about a doctor in LA named Dr. R. Paul St. Amand and how he had helped her sister-in-law who was suffering from fibromyalgia!

I went home and immediately looked him up and ordered his book called “What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Fibromyalgia.” Thanks to prime I was reading it two days later and as I read it I knew that was what was wrong with me. The Lord used Katie that day on that park bench to point me in the right direction.

Looking back I realize he started that work two years before at our chance meeting at Sonshine and with our sons friendship. Katie went to see Dr. Amand a week before I saw Dr. Congdon, receiving the diagnosis of Fibromyalgia and hypoglycemia, the exact same as me! What a blessing he has given us in not only ANSWERS but someone to go through this journey with. I am so thankful for you Katie! So, we went to the park and back to that bench to take a photo to always remember God’s goodness to us ❤”

~Erin Woods

This is part 2 of Erin Woods story to regaining her health back on the Guaifenesin Protocol. Subscribe so you don’t miss any of her story, and check out the links in this post and the tags under this post for more info 🙂