Steps to finding your correct Guaifenesin Dosage for the Protocol

As per the instructions from Dr St Amand, please do NOT take cough syrop or other Fast Acting Guaifenesin to begin your protocol, unless under the direct supervision of Dr St Amand, Dr Melissa Congdon, Cheryl Kowalewski in Edmonton or Victoria Mauck in Hawaii. These Types of Guaifenesin are NOT ideal and only a last resort.

And please, do NOT chew your guaifenesin, this will have the same reaction as the Fast Acting/ Immediate Release guaifenesin.

The correct protocol is as follows (in short):

1. Read the book by Dr St Amand called What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Fibromyalgia.

2. replace all your sal-full products and anything that touches your skin with Salicylate Free products. Here’s my step-by-step guide.

3. begin a Symptom Journal and/or get mapped by someone who KNOWS the protocol.

3.a Find the correct Guaifenesin to take for the protocol.

4. Take 300mg LONG ACTING pure single ingredient Guaifenesin. Take twice a day (bid) for one week if you are on Estevan Guaifenesin or Fibropharmacy Guaifenesin. If you are on Guai-Aid, take three times a day, make sure it’s every 8 hours. At this point, check  your symptom journal to see if your symptoms have begun to come and go and you have noticed an INCREASE in symptoms. If so, stay at this dose for one month. Then get mapped to see if left thigh is clear and/or check your journal to be sure your increase of symptoms was consistent.  IF your symptoms are just like a normal fibro flare, you are likely not clearing. If you are still unsure, you can double your dose and see if it SLAMS you, then you will know your clearing dose is 300mg bid. Remember, you are supposed to have a MANAGEABLE increase in symptoms! Approx 18% will clear at this dose.

Here is some of what the book will tell you about how it feels to find your clearing dose:

“If you’re already tired, you may become exhausted; if you ache, you’ll hurt more. Symptoms that were mild or barely noticeable will suddenly demand your attention.” “you will notice an exacerbation of symptoms…” These are from pg 168 from the book.

Now, if this is  you, skip steps 5 and 6.

If you are not being mapped, you will likely need some help figuring out your dose, feel free to contact me and/or join our friendly online Facebook support group 🙂

If, after your first week at 300mg bid you do not feel any different, go on to step 5. (Approx 80% will clear at this dose.)

5. Take 600mg LONG ACTING pure single ingredient Guaifenesin Take twice a day (bid) for one month if you are on Estevan Guaifenesin or Fibropharmacy Guaifenesin. If you are on Guai-aid, take three times a day, make sure it’s every 8 hours. At this point, check  your journal to see if your symptoms have begun to come and go and you have noticed an increase in symptoms. OR get mapped to see if left thigh is clear. If not, go to step 6. (Approx 80% will clear at this dose.)

6.. At this point, there are few who need to increase their dose, so please re-check ALL your products and everything that touches your skin, make sure it’s all salicylate free! If you are certain you aren’t blocking, you can increase your dose by 300mg a day for a month, monitoring your symptoms, until you experience the increase in symptoms you are needing to indicate clearing. If you get upto 2400mg total a day please contact one of us to help you figure out your unique situation. Keep using your journal and/or map to find your dosage.

If you have questions and don’t understand something we have said, you can join our friendly online Facebook support group 🙂 and/or check out the guaigroup email digest that is run by Claudia (co-author of the book with Dr St Amand).

Click here for more info on the different Guaifenesins, it totally makes a difference!!

If you are using Mucinex, please note the 100mg Fast Acting layer on the pill, that leaves only 500mg LA. Please also note that you will have to cut your pill in half for the first week to get your 300mg bid dosage. If you are not clearing at 300mg bid, you will need to take 3 Mucinex a day (1 600mg pill in am or pm and 2 600mg pills 12 hours later)  to properly clear at the 600mg long acting bid. Mucinex also can mimic clearing, because of the FA layer! 25% do not clear using Mucinex, just to warn you! It is NOT our preferred choice of Guaifenesin!

Disclaimer: The contents of Fibro Buddies are for informational purposes only. The information here is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Reliance on any information provided by Fibro Buddies is solely at your own risk.

As this is an over-the counter capsule, you do not need a prescription to take Guaifenesin, however, Estevan pahrmacy does require one. If you use these steps, paying attention to all the details in this information, stick to the protocol, do all the steps in order, you will do great on the Guaifenesin protocol! Leave me a comment with any questions, or join our Facebook support group! 🙂

Click this link to see the list of:  FAQ about Salicylates etc 🙂