Tea, Coffee and Salicylates

Coffee is FINE on the protocol to drink! BUT! If you are Carb Intolerant/ Hypoglycemic you cannot have coffee, (unless it’s decaf)! Click HERE for a bunch of info on coffee and caffeine from Claudia Merek (co-author of What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Fibromyalgia) Caffeine is an ingredient in alot of products out there now, and it is fine topically, but be careful with coffee topically! SOME coffees have sals in them while others don’t so my suggestion is to not risk it topically!

So, I am HUUUGE fan of tea, and I KNOW what a huge sacrifice it isΒ  to give it up to go on the Guaifenesin Protocol! When I started the protocol I had nobody to give me some of these ideas, I had to come up with them on my own so I hope it helps!

If you are wondering what the trouble is with tea:

Dr St Amand now advises NO TEA on the Guaifenesin Protocol. I think it is the tea leaves that are dried and concentrated to make tea that is the trouble. It’s too much salicylate. It’s not a normal food amount. We would not normally eat that much leaves that are in a tea bag when they are fresh, prior to drying and concentrating them! Frankly, sounds gross to me! lol πŸ˜€

Here are some options for ya:

What I do is put some berries or lemon in hot water. Let the berries steep for a bit, it works better with frozen berries, you get more flavor for some reason. Add some sweetener if you need to, it’s very yummy!! Strawberry is my fav, but raspberries are super yummy with sweetener! There ARE options!! Mix and match them, add some fresh ginger root in there, and/ or a cinnamon stick. I’ve seen people put cucumber and all kinds of things in it! πŸ˜›

I also make a homemade steamer (Hot milk, sweetened and flavored) that is SO YUMM too! (click for link)

And check out my Mock Tea ideas for more options! πŸ™‚

Try out Jello tea. That is made with hot water and just a few teaspoons of Jello stirred in (to taste.) This would work with sugar free Jello as well for the HG diet πŸ™‚ If you try it, let me know how it tastes I haven’t tried it yet! πŸ™‚

Also, give this a try: Some of the Teeccino stuff is fine. You will need to do your research on these to be sure you choose only sal-free ones. Any Dandelion Root ones are not sal-free and you can’t have those! Also, please note that most of these are not HG friendly <3

Consider this for a moment:

What is the reason you started drinking tea anyways? I had to admit to myself that a large reason was the health benefits I thought I was getting from it. But, what was the motivation for getting the health benefits? Why did you feel you needed it? Because you are SICK! you have Fibromyalgia! The Guaifenesin Protocol will reverse the symptoms so that you no longer feel sick. This to me is SO much more important than any health benefits gained from tea!! πŸ™‚

I find I actually want tea less and less as it stresses me out so much now when I have it! haha! The WHOLE time, I am thinking to myself… “self, put more milk in there, maybe it will water it down enough to not block. no no, use more water. no no, eat lots of food with it. no no, just drink tons of water during and after…” lol and the stressing goes on and on. I seriously have to catch myself SO many times!! LOL πŸ˜€

Click this link to see the list of:Β  FAQ about Salicylates etc πŸ™‚