Symptom Journal for Fibromyalgia

SYmptom journal for fibromyalgiaThere are many reasons to keep a symptom journal, Dr St Amand (leading specialist in the field of fibromyalgia) encourages us to use one to keep track of how well we are clearing our fibromyalgia symptoms for the Guaifenesin Protocol.

A symptom journal will help you to determine your clearing dose on Guaifenesin. Once you notice an increase in symptoms it is possible you have found your clearing dose! Click here for more on: Finding your Clearing Dose

You don’t have to be on the Protocol to appreciate the need for a journal! You become able to keep track of how much you are/aren’t doing, your fatigue level and scheduling your days to improve. Whether it’s that you over-do it and suffer or don’t do as much as you actually can do from fear of over-doing. This journal or something similar will be a life-line for you.

I have Hypoglycemia or Carb Intolerance. So I keep track of my diet also.

We do need vitamins too! Our diets just don’t cut it these days, and so I keep track of what vitamins and medications I take as well.

Last but not least, you can take your journal to your doctor and remind him that your pain level is a 10 out of 10 , and tell him where. I find I forget from day to day how bad it is if I don’t write it down.

You can add or take away any parts of this Journal, it’s for your use! It is 2 and 1/2 pages, but I am sure you could shorten it by deleting symptoms/issues you’ve never had before or need to journal. 🙂 AND you may want to add some symptoms that you have that are not on the journal also.

THANKFULLY, I never get 10 out of 10 anymore thanks to the Guaifenesin Protocol and Dr St Amand’s 50+ years of study and experience with fibro patients. Now I have HOPE of health and a future! We are even talking adoption and options for having kids! YES! 😀

Here is the link, check it out, download it, use it, what ever you want to do with it 🙂

Christine’s Symptom Journal

There’s an apple app that you can try! Have an iPhone? I’ve heard from a couple members who use this and love it! Try this app: My Pain Diary (2.99 but more comprehensive)

Flaredown is a new app that looks really good and is also free.

and there’s WebMD’s Pain Coach (free)

iPhone, iPad or similar devices, there’s a FREE APP called Day One. You just speak into it instead of having to type 🙂

There is an android app called FibroMapp that I have heard is good also, this does charge a small fee.

Here’s some pdf options for journals: Symptom log, Symptom Diary is an app  you can download on your phone, and there’s a free version. is said to be really good- you can set up graph charts of how you are feeling on a daily/even hourly basis and make little notes to that effect.

If you have used any of these journals, please let me know your thoughts on them so I can let everyone know! Thanks! <3

Click this link to see the list of:  FAQ about Salicylates etc 🙂

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