2 year Guaifenesin Protocol progress report from Kelly W

“I wrote this 2 years ago, contemplating suicide:

Dear Chronic Pain,

As I sit in the bathtub filled with 8 pounds of Epsom Salts, God help me to not want to kill myself because of you. This horrible thought has plagued me all afternoon. “I don’t want to burden my husband, my family, and friends with constant requests for help, because I can’t take care of myself.”

You have constantly interrupted my daily activities, making me rest so frequently, so I can have opportunities to get out to be with family and friends. You have constantly reminded me I’m powerless over you when you attack my body. If your attacks are to make me feel insecure and hopeless about myself, congratulations; you are winning.

I hate you. But, the love from my family, friends, and God is more powerful than this hate. Today, you may be winning. I’m not giving up, even with these thoughts of giving up have become so powerful; I refuse to give you the satisfaction of making me think less of myself. All I need to do is to ask my family, friends, and God to give me self-worth when I’m struggling. The power of many is much more powerful than YOU.


Kelly, a chronic pain sufferer

I started the Guaifenesin Protocol on 11/6/17. I now have a Full-time job since 12/14/17. Crashing from doing too much is a memory. It’s amazing how my life has changed since then.

When I went on vacation, I used to require lots of rest arriving at the destination and coming home. Now, it’s not needed. If someone asked me to go on a road trip years ago, I would shrink from it, but now I hop to it! Thank God for the Guaifenesin Protocol.”

~Kelly W.

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