2 weeks on The Guaifenesin Protocol by Callie Kunz

Callie Kunz has been on the guaifenesin protocol for a month now and seeing some changes she wanted to share with everyone!

“I just want to share my progress with my new Fibro Buddies.

I was 20 years old when my doctor told me that the muscles in my left shoulder were in a chronic spasm and that I should carry my purse and my books on my right side.  That unrelenting muscle spasm was the first of a series of small steps that eventually led to chronic pain. From my mid-30’s onward, my ever-increasing pain was attributed to a congenital fusion in my neck and I was treated with a series of epidural procedures and put on muscle relaxants in an effort to calm the pain and the spasms in my neck, hands, shoulders and arms.

In 1998, my 12-year-old daughter was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and I began to wonder if that was the correct diagnosis for me as well. Fast forward 20 years, through countless medications, therapies, doctors and diagnoses and here I am, in Fibrobuddies. I started guaifenesin protocol on December 21, 2018 and I started seeing positive changes almost immediately.

This is what I wrote almost two weeks later, on January 3, 2019:  

I went to massage therapy today for the first time since I started the protocol two weeks ago. My therapist was rather skeptical about using guaifenesin to treat fibromyalgia, but she is always supportive. She has been breaking up sticky fascia, stretching tight muscles and massaging tender triggers for me weekly for eight years, so she knows my body very well.

Today, during the massage, I asked her to tell me if she noticed any changes, good or bad. About 10 minutes into the massage, she was raving about the salicylate free massage cream I brought with me. (Whew!) By time we were finished, she was marveling at how my body was changing. A tender area in my back that has been like a rope for years has started to break down and is now in three smaller chunks. Two triggers in my left front thigh were completely gone and another in my left hamstring was gone as well. She also commented that the swelling in my tissues is down over my entire body. I am still a long way from being well, but I feel hopeful and happy and more committed than ever to stick to the protocol.

Best of all, I had a clear mind today! It was fantastic! Last weekend, right after I increased my dose, I had three days of annoying head aches and horrible brain fog. Little by little, my memory has improved as the week has progressed and I only had one incident today when I forgot a name. Amazing! And I wasn’t crabby.

Thank you to everyone in this group, especially those who have patiently answered my questions about ingredients, have been kind when I make mistakes, and have been so friendly to me.”

Thank you SO much for sharing a little of your story with us Callie! I am super excited to see how much more progress you make as you keep going! 🙂 Callie will be following this post, so if any of you readers have questions for her, I’m sure she’ll be happy to answer!

Callie is on the Guaifenesin Protocol to treat her fibromyalgia. This is a lifelong treatment, but it works! If you would like more information on the Guaifenesin Protocol or Fibromyalgia, check out the links through this post and the tags under the post. 🙂