1 year success story on the Guaifenesin Protocol from Cheryl Gallentine

“I just wanted to share with you my one year anniversary on the guaifenesin protocol. Don’t give up folks. It works! 1 year, most of it on 600 mg 2x day. Next, get my diet under control.” quote from Cheryl’s post.

What are your biggest symptom improvements? We’d love to hear more! ” I asked.

“For me, going up stairs without hip pain. However my closest friends tell me I’m a different person. More active and they can tell I’m not in so much pain. Getting on my school bus was often difficult but now I don’t even think about it most days. Not even taking naps much anymore. A lot less pain too. work full time and clown part time. Oh and I do quilling paper craft too.” Cheryl kindly replied.

Cheryl’s map after 1 year on the Guaifenesin Protocol
Cheryl’s first map


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